Top Ten Things we didn't consider about having church in a bar. (
10. People ordering a double at a the communion table.
09. You learn that there's a friend who sticks closer than a brother ... or the floor.
08. People always confessing to the person behind the coffee bar.
07. Pastor grabs stripper pole during message... igniting all kinds of disturbing mental images.
06. Jesus washes away sins, but you need Tide to wash away the bar smell.
05. Band keeps spontaneously breaking into Free Bird.
04. People needing counseling after being in bathrooms.
03. No one kneels on this floor... ever.
02. Florida law requires you to be over 21 to receive the Spirit.
And the number one thing we didn't consider about having church in a bar...
01. People insist you put their tithes and offerings on the tab.