Hey Everybody,
Well, as I write this, the breaking news all over the media outlets is the shooting in Aurora, Colorado. Like all of you, my heart breaks for the families and the community that was affected here. My heart also breaks for the people from the Columbine tragedy, as it dredges up all those old wounds. Such a sad day in many ways.
As I was thinking about this today, I am reminded that we live in a very broken, dark world. I also believe that this is the reason that Christians should be constantly bringing the light, the kingdom of God with them wherever they go. When you go to Walmart, when you go to a sports event, when you go to restaurant, you as a believer, take the kingdom of God into that place. Ephesians 5:16 tells us that we should be "...making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."
I want to encourage you today, be serious about your faith... be proactive... reach out... love people... show grace and mercy... remember that you are an ambassador of Christ to a broken world. Bring hope. Be an encourager. Lend a hand to someone in need. Comfort those who are grieving. Laugh and smile with those who are rejoicing. Be Jesus with skin on...
You can make a difference in the world!
This week at Coast, we are continuing our Elevate series.
Also Tony is leading worship with the Coast Band. Its going to be a great morning. Invite someone to come with you.
Last night was a great pre-launch meeting with our Coast Downtown team. Things are on track for an amazing launch and we are believing to make a huge difference in Downtown Pensacola. Tonight, we will giving out post cards about Coast Downtown at Gallery night. If you can help pass out cards, meet at Bedlam at 6:30 The address is on the card below.
Also, if you can contribute financially to the launch of Bedlam and our online streaming campus, you can give online at www.coastcommunity.org Just click on the giving tab, and in the info space, write "New Campus."
After a very difficult week for our family, I am looking forward to worshipping together at Coast this week. I can truly say, I love our Coast family.
See you Sunday,
Pastor Robert