Today we spent some time prayer walking through some of the neighborhoods in our community. Our teams were instructed that prayer is a conversation, so as you walk, don't just pray... but listen to what God has to say.
In the neighborhood that my team walked in, God showed me three things. The first was this unique street light... it was a simple reminder...
...that God is the light of that community. As we walked a little farther I saw a tree that had some of its limbs trimmed and the branches were stacked up like for a fire... and God said, "Pray for fire to come into the hearts of the people in this neighborhood." The last thing I saw, we were passing a car parked on the street and there was a plastic tag on the front, and the words were faded. God said, "I am fading from their hearts." Pray that they would remember my love."
All the teams reported taking prayer requests from people in the neighborhoods and a couple of people from one team even spent some time praying for a lady at one of the houses they passed.
I really do believe that prayer is the key to seeing a move of God in our community. My prayer is Holy Spirit come. We will be prayer walking again next month. For more info, you can call our church office 850-916-0346.